Small Steps - Prayer - Timothy 3:16-17
In a Super Bowl 37, FedEx commercial, the writers did a skit that was a spoof of a December 2000 movie entitled, "Castaway". The movie's star, Tom Hanks, was marooned on an island, after his plane crashed. The plane was a FedEx plane and this is who Tom worked for. The commercial shows a guy (supposed to be a person who has been stranded on an island for 5 years) finally delivering a package after making it back State-Side. As he delivers the package and walks away, he turns back and ask what was in the package. The nice informs him that is was nothing important, just a Satellite Phone, GPS Locating System, Water Purifier and some seeds. (All things that would have been beneficial for his survival!) This is what God's Word is for us - a way to survive int his world that we have been strategically planted in.
Many things God's Word is good for, but here are three that I have pulled out for us:
- It is Good for Proclaiming. - Proclaiming His Goodness and Grace in our lives.
- It is Good for Profiting - Profiting our lives, in that when we read it and apply it, we find great benefit in our day-to-day .. both long term and short term.
- It is Good for His Promises - God's Words shares numerous promises with His children. Among those - a promise to be eternally separated if we do not know Him. A promise of Salvation and Glory for those that do.
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